Friday, May 27, 2011

Causes of Diabetes

Certain factors that contribute to the development of diabetes are Heredity Heredity is a major factor. That diabetes can be inherited has been known for centuries. However, the pattern of inheritance is not fully understood. Statistic indicates that those with a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing diabetes than those without such a background. The risk factor is 25 to 33 percent more. One reason why diabetes, especially type-2 diabetes runs in the family is because of the diabetes gene. But even it is caused by genetic factors beyond your control; there is no reason to suffer from it. Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured in full sense of the term, but it can be effectively controlled so that you would not know the difference. Diet Diabetes has been described by most medical scientists as a prosperity’ disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating. Not only is eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar, may also result in diabetes if taken in excess. It is interesting to note that diabetes is almost unknown in countries where people are poor and cannot afford to overeat. The incidence of diabetes is directly linked with the consumption of processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates, like biscuits, bread, cakes chocolates, pudding and ice creams. Obesity Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes. Studies show that 60 to 85 % of diabetics tend to be overweight. In the United States of America, about 80 percent of type –2 non-insulin dependent diabetics are reported to be overweight. Excess fat prevents insulin from working properly. The more fatty tissue in the body, the more resistant the muscle and tissue cells become to body insulin. Insulin allows the sugar in the blood to enter the cells by acting on the receptor sites on the surface of the cells. Older people often tend to gain weight, and the same time, many of them develop and mild form of diabetes because who are over weight can often improve their blood sugar simply by losing weight. Stress and Tension There is a known connection between stress and diabetes mellitus, those who are under stress and/or lead an irregular lifestyle, need to take adequate precautions and make necessary lifestyle adjustments. Grief, worry and anxiety resulting from examinations, death of a close relative, loss of a joy, business failure and strained marital relationship, all a deep influence on the metabolism and may cause sugar to appear in the urine. Smoking Smoking is another important risk factor. Among men who smoke, the risk of developing diabetes is doubled. In women who smoke 25 or more cigarettes a day, the risk of developing diabetes is increased by 40 percent. Lifestyle Risk People who are less active have greater risk of developing diabetes. Modern conveniences have made work easier. Physical activity and exercise helps control weight, uses up a lot of glucose (sugar) present in the blood as energy and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. Consequently, the workload on the pancreas is reduced.

Anti-Bullying Skills and Techniques for Children

Bullying is a big problem in our schools today. However, bullying has always been a problem. The main differences between bullying today from the past are the nature of the bullying and the violence that occurs in the aftermath. Cyberbullying is becoming a popular and more destructive form of bullying than traditional bullying. More children today are bringing guns to school to seek revenge on others. Bullying has been around and will probably remain for years to come. Not only was I bullied as a child, but I continue to get bullied today as an adult. I do not believe that we have the power to rid the world of bullying. I believe the answer to the issue of bullying rests with all of us, especially the victims of bullying. I am not suggesting that victims of bullying are responsible for bullying. On the contrary, what I am suggesting is that victims of bullying have the power in themselves to think, behave, and react in ways that limits or eradicates bullying. As a society, we spend too much of our energy identifying and punishing the bully that we fail to spend enough time empowering the victims of bullying. We should spend more of our energy on the things that we can control rather than the things we have limited or no control over. We need to teach children about the power that they already possess. Let me elaborate on a few issues that parents should teach their children regarding the issue of bullying.
Let's first talk about the characteristics of bullying. Typically, bullies and their victims share the same characteristic - low self-esteem. It just depends on whether they internalize or externalize their feelings that will determine if they will become a bully or a victim of bullying. Typically, negative situations and events in the child's life can trigger low self-esteem. Externalizing feelings can cause some children to become bullies as they attempt to control their environment to compensate for their lack of control in their family. For instance, if a child's parents are divorcing and the child is very upset about the divorce, he or she might feel powerless in their ability to keep their parents together. As a result, the child might take out his or her rage on others for purposes of seeking control to compensate for his or her lack of control over their parents' impending divorce.
Given the same scenario (parental divorce), some children internalize their feelings by not talking or acting out how they feel. Instead, they become depressed and withdrawn feeling like a failure. Often, they develop a negative image of themselves and their physical appearance. They look at others and the world around them with shaded lens. When a bully validates this child's feelings about themselves, this child often reacts negatively to the validation because he or she feels the bully is correct in their interpretation.
Often times, children with high self-esteem do not respond negatively to bullies because they already know that whatever the bully says negatively about them is untrue and therefore they do not feel the need to defend themselves against the foolishness of others.
As human beings, our behavior, thoughts, and feelings are never dictated or controlled by others, situations, and events unless we allow this to occur. Simply said, others, situations, and events can trigger a reaction based on what we are thinking. In other words, if I really didn't want to go to work today and my car has a flat tire, I might experience happiness because I didn't want to go to work. On the other hand given the same event (flat tire), I might want to go to work today to take care of some undone business. Because the flat tire might delay or eliminate my chances of getting to work, this situation might cause me anger. How could the same event in both situations cause two different feelings? It wasn't the event at all that triggered the feelings. It was what I was thinking about the event that triggered my feelings. Therefore, manipulating the way we think can alter how we feel. We all have the ability to take ownership and control over our thoughts. We however have limited or no control over specific events, situations, and the behavior of others. Sometimes, we attempt to control events, situations, and others but become frustrated when our attempts fail.
Now, how does the paragraph above apply to the issue of bullying? The main goal of bullies is to attempt to get their victims to experience fear, anger, or sadness. Once their victim demonstrates signs of these emotions via the words he or she uses and/or their body language, the bully has complete and total control over them. The bully will continue to bully their victim until the victim no longer verbally and/or physically displays fear, anger, or sadness in response to the bullying. The bullying will end once the victim responds the opposite of what the bully expects.
How do we get children to react the opposite of what the bully expects? This is where role-playing comes in handy. Parents should regularly sit down with their children helping them learn to react the opposite of what bullies expect. Often times, this task is much easier when the parent knows what hurtful words or phrases bullies say that makes their children feel fearful, angry, or sad. Using these hurtful words and/or phrases in role-plays will emotionally prepare children when they are approached by bullies.
It is also important to teach children that they have the power to change or affect the agenda of bullies by the words they use. For instance, if a bully calls a child 'stupid', the child could defuse the bullying by stating to the bully, “That's nice”, “How about that”, “Oh, well”, and so forth. The worst thing that the child could do is respond by telling the bully that he or she is stupid or make any other negative statement. A negative response will only inflame the situation encouraging further bullying.
In addition, parents should teach and role-play with their children specified forms of body language that reflects a child with high self-esteem from a child with low self-esteem. Body language communicates feelings more so than spoken words. If a child yells at a bully that he or she is not bothered by their behavior, the bully knows that the child is bothered because of the yelling. Lack of eye contact, looking down, slouched posture, lack of hygiene, and low tone of voice can be viewed as symptoms of low self-esteem.
Parents need to teach their children that bullies rarely get angry with them. Bullies are typically angry at themselves and/or events that are or have occurred in their own life for which they have limited or no control. Bullies indirectly take out their anger on the ones they could easily control.
Parents should never teach their children to physically fight back when approached by a bully. The problem with fighting back is that children will get themselves into trouble for engaging in physically assaultive behavior. Think of it this way - bullies rarely ever throw the first punch. They always entice their victim into throwing the first punch. This way, when they are asked who started the fight, the bully could easily and truthfully state that their victim started it. In addition, there are significant legal ramifications that can arise as a result of physically assaultive behavior.
It is important to remember that physical violence typically occurs after a negative verbal interaction. Violence typically is provoked and rarely unprovoked. Therefore to avoid violence, the conflict can and should be defused during the verbal exchange. This is why the words victims say and their body language are so significant and detrimental to the outcome of bullying. Recent school shootings suggest that the shooters were bullied by their classmates. The bullying subsequently provoked the school violence.
Parents should be cautious when teaching their children to ignore bullies. The problem with ignoring is that the bully knows that their behavior is irritating, annoying, and controlling their victim. Therefore, the bullying will continue.
Parents should be cautious when teaching their children to constantly report bullying to an adult. Parents should encourage their children to first attempt to resolve the bullying on their own with the skills taught above. If their children are unsuccessful resolving these issues on their own, they should be encouraged to report the bullying. If their children automatically report the bullying without attempting to defuse the situation on their own, they will be perceived and labeled as a tattle-tale which will encourage more bullying.
Parents need to teach their children the correct definition of the word 'tattling'. Some children feel that reporting misbehavior to adults is considered tattling. Parents need to teach their children that reporting on others just to see them get into trouble is considered tattling. A child that reports to his or her parents that their brother is picking his nose is tattling. Children always need to report to an adult if they were physically, sexually, or verbally harmed by others or if they witnessed others engaging in destructive or illegal behaviors.
It is very easy to feel sorry and sympathy toward victims of bullying. However, it would be more helpful to the victim if we are more empathic to their needs by empowering them to diffuse bullying on their own. As a result, their ability to defuse the bullying would ultimately raise their level of self-esteem and self-worth.
If you would like additional tips and suggestions regarding bullying prevention skills or if you would like to attend an online educational seminar, please feel free to log onto the Building Strong Families National Seminar's website.
As a Motivational Speaker, Mr. Lakewood facilitates seminars on family-related issues. Graduating with a Master's degree in Social Work, Mr. Lakewood authored his first parenting DVD series entitled "The Sudden Compliance" program designed to help children significantly and swiftly improve their behavior at home, school, and within the community. He also authored the "Standing Up To Bullying" bullying prevention program designed to reduce bullying within schools, homes, and the community.

Children's Health: 5 Ways Parents Can Help Children Lead Healthier Lifestyles

Believe it or not, you impart a legacy of health to your children that goes well beyond the genes you give them. You also pass along health beliefs and model health-related choices.

Here are 5 tips that will set your kids up on a path towards a healthy life.

1. Instill a sense of wonder about the body.

Many adults fear and distrust their bodies. They believe that the body is fragile, and illness is just around the corner. The myth that you will catch a cold if you go outside without a coat persists. Your kids are listening when you look in the mirror and say to no one in particular, “I’m so fat.�

The truth is your body is the most miraculous mechanical system on the planet. Cuts heal without a single thought or action on your part. Your immune system is your own personal homeland security system, protecting you from bacterial and viral terrorists. Yes, illness is part of the human condition. And we have powerful treatments that add to your body’s own ability to heal. Look at your body’s ability to battle illnesses, such as the common cold. This alone offers concrete evidence of your body’s resiliency.

Comment on your child’s amazing body. “Wow, that cut healed in no time!� or “You have such strong fast legs� or “Look at what your hands have been able to draw.� Remind your child how great it is to have eyes and kidneys and hearts that work so well.

2. Become a student of the human body with your child.

Your kids will come to you with questions about how their bodies work. It can be uncomfortable for both you and your child when you don’t have the answers. This discomfort can teach children that they should avoid questions about how their bodies work, which may, in part, explain why parents themselves are reluctant to ask doctors embarrassing questions.

Remember, no one has all the answers. That’s why your doctor participates in continuing medical education. Your child can remind you of the joy of discovery. Together you can look for answers. I mentioned to my son that bones make blood and he asked, “What about creatures with exoskeletons?� I said, “What an interesting question. Let’s get on the Internet and see what we can find out.� Have a child-appropriate book about the body available and learn and use anatomically correct words. Maybe you can have a family contest to come up with the coolest medical term.

3. Teach your kids to listen to their bodies.

Often it feels as if adults are rewarded for ignoring or overcoming the signals from their bodies. The “hero� who comes to work with the flu or the mom who ignores her need for food or sleep. Health is maintained when you know the signals that suggest your body is out of balance and respond in a timely manner when your body indicates it needs something.

Help your kids identify when they’re cold or hungry or tired. You can say even to an infant, “You look hot, so I’m taking off the blanket.� Give your child some experience regulating his external environment like taking on and off sweaters. Educate your children that pain is there to keep them safe. Say, “Owies are no fun, but they’re there to keep you from burning yourself on the stove or cutting yourself with a knife. That’s how your body reminds you to be careful.�

4. Model healthy eating habits.

Childhood obesity is a growing problem. Talk with your kids about good food choices and bad ones. Encourage them to ask themselves, “What kind of food is my body hungry for right now?’ and “Am I full?� even if there’s still food on the plate. Pay attention to see if your child is a “grazer� or a 3-squares-a-day kid and set an eating schedule that reflects their style. Decide whether it’s OK to indulge in unhealthy food choices now and then. When I inquired about the nutritional value of my son’s snack of donuts, he said, “It’s health food for the soul!�

5. Reward health rather than illness.

Some of my best childhood memories come from times when I was sick. In an effort to ease my pain, my mother unwittingly rewarded illness by lavishing attention on me, delivering endless bowls of ice cream and playing games with me. Who wouldn’t want to be sick!

Instead, lavish attention on your kids when they’re well. While you don’t want to punish your kids for being sick, consider which privileges of health should be withdrawn during sick days.

When you instill in your children a sense of pride, wonder and respect for their bodies, you have given them the foundation of health.

Have you ever left your doctor's office with unanswered questions? Been embarrassed to talk with your doctor about a health issue concerning your child? If so, you're not alone. Vicki Rackner MD is a board-certified surgeon who helps people get the health care they want, need and deserve. Sign up for Dr. Vicki's free monthly newsletter at and get tips that will put you incharge of your child’s health care.

Beauty Tips

Beauty is an essence. Looking beautiful means having one of the most comforts of life. Looking beautiful means get noticed. And who don't' want to be noticed. The word 'beauty' has a number of synonyms, cute, smart, gorgeous, handsome, and good looking sexy, stylish and after all beautiful.

When we use word beauty or beautiful, it clearly indicates our inclination towards something or object which we like the most. Nature is most beautiful object we have in which we exist in general. The word beautiful is a feminine word. When we listen the word beauty or beautiful, we assume a pretty, cool, charming and good-looking face. Boys or men don't need to be beautiful rather they need to be handsome.

No matter either you are a cool pretty girl / woman or a handsome boy / man; you must need to be smart, intelligent, and diligent. Your smartness, intelligence and diligence all reflect in your personality. And your personality depends on the fact that how you carry yourself and how you associate with the objects or persons around you. Your personality is the integration of your body, mind and soul. Rather you are a big-hearted person having a high degree of IQ. And the amalgamation of beauty with your mind and soul make you a being of get noticed. And who don't want that.

A well groomed child get noticed in his or her prep class, a handsome is get noticed in playgrounds, a sexy lace is get noticed some time on the streets and some time on the discos. A smart and bold person is get noticed in the society. A smart / beautiful manager is get noticed in board meetings.

It means beauty has its place everywhere, it makes its' place, it exists. It exists in every being. Some time it didn't look even though it is there. This is because the person is not taking care of his / her body i.e. skin, nails, eyes, hair, etc.

Taking care of your body means taking care of your self and for that you don't need to put extra effort, you don't need to put extra hour of your work schedule. Only you need to put is the minimum required attention. You need to regulate your life style, you need to discover the ways of living, and you need to monitor yourself with proper care.

How do you do that?

Here are few tips that make you a noticeable personality in the crowd and your body healthy, sexy and overall beautiful.
1. Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water everyday, having more water means feeling less hungry, consuming less food and hence being fit in shape and always looks energetic.
2. You can drink water in a regular interval of half an hour or so, while in office or traveling long, keep you water bottle with you.
3. Take balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and good fats.
4. Cut on calories; don't take food that gives high calories and fewer nutrients.
5. Nutrients are necessary to keep you away from sickness and thus helps in being beautiful
6. Take some beet root, cut into small pieces and grind. Squeeze it and massage your face for 5 minutes with beetroot juice. Wash / shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour. You will feel relaxed and your face will glow.
7. Mix honey in water, and drink it daily in the morning. This will keep your skin shiney and smooth.
8. Massage your body with milk. Moisturizer in the milk will keep your skin smooth and healthy.
9. Keep room temperature moderate, using humidifiers. This will keep you skin away from dryness.
10. If you take shower too long or a bit long, the dead skin of your body automatically gets removed. Don't rub your body with towel. Be gentle on your skin.
11. If you go out in the sun, your skins will loss its fairness. Take cucumber juice and tomato juice and apply it to your skin, shower after 10 minutes. This will make your skin fair.
12. Take rose petals, and grind them. Mix with cream on the top of milk. Shower after 10 minutes.

So take a little care of your body and stay healthy, handsome, beautiful, smart, and bold.
Get noticed!!!

Aromatherapy Basics

Everyone has different skin types from each other and this means that we all require different treatments for our skin. Age and skin needs also affect how we need to treat the skin. All members of the family from grandparents to babies use various products for the skin to maintain the skin's health, looks and feel. At the same time as treating the skin, all family members can enjoy skin products that work to ease tired muscles and eyes, alleviate stress and re-energize the body.

Aromatherapy does not need to be in lotions alone however. Aromatherapy can make use of essential oils mixed with a base substance or with other oils in a variety of products. Bath products, shower products, household products, baby products and laundry products are a few of the many ways aromatherapy can be added to one life. Some of the ingredients that are commonly used as aromatherapy include these essential oils:

* Lavender

* Chamomile

* Cedar Wood

* Eucalyptus

* Basil

* Thyme

* Rosemary

* Teas

* Rose Hips

* Lemon Seed

* Sunflower Seed

* Ylang Ylang

There are many others that can be and are used for creating a sense of well-being. Aromatherapy has shown many amazing benefits in the many areas it can be used. Of the essential oils listed above, Lavender and Chamomile are the most commonly used for scenting skin care products. These two oils provide relaxation, while use of a citrus oil can energize the body. Some people have allergies or sensitive skin that reacts adversely with some essential oils, but many more are able to take advantage of the benefits aromatherapy provides.

Skin Care is Not the Only Way

Many different illnesses have been treated through the years by aromatherapy treatments. Aromatherapy has been used on cancer patients and on other serious diseases effectively. The aromatherapy helps the ill with anxiety, depression, relaxation, rest, calming, sleep, conditioning of the skin and even with managing pain.

Some products already contained in one's home may already have the essential oils that are used in aromatherapy. Look at products used in the bath or shower, your baby's care products, products for laundry, candles, air diffusers or fresheners, perfumes, oil burners, drawer scented sheets, lotions, massage oils and several more. Aromatherapy has become increasingly popular for its scents and its healing powers. It may be surprising just how many products that you own actually contain aromatherapy qualities.

Aromatherapy products make great gifts for all those you know, especially skin and bath products. For those who travel frequently, would enjoy gifts such as travel pillows or face masks for tired and weary travellers to easily breathe and help with relaxation and sleep.

Allergy Reminder

If you are allergic or sensitive to perfumes or with your skin, you may need to be careful with the essential oils used with aromatherapy in scented products or in body care products. There are many different sources that provide the oils for aromatherapy, so you may be fine with some but bothered by others. Consider what you have allergies or sensitivities to and obviously avoid those or some that are similar to it. Consulting with a doctor may resolve some confusion or questions regarding the use of particular essential oils for aromatherapy. Reactions can be mild or in some cases, severe. If you or others in your family do not have sensitivities or allergies, then feel free to choose your favorites or mix and match to get the scent and feeling you are looking for.

Almonds Help with Weight Loss

Did you know that aside from providing good mono-unsaturated fats, almonds may help you shed those unwanted pounds?� A few years back, researchers actually found that people eating a diet rich in almonds lost more weight than those on a high-carb diet with the same number of calories, which goes against the traditional belief that weight loss is all about calories in versus calories burned.� Researchers followed 65 overweight and obese adults, 70% of whom had type 2 diabetes, for 24 weeks. One group ate a 1,000 calorie/day liquid diet supplemented with 3 oz of almonds (384 additional calories) and the other group ate the same liquid diet but instead supplemented with a mix of complex carbohydrates (such as wheat crackers, baked potatoes, or air-popped popcorn). The two diets were equal in calories and protein but differed in fat and in addition to the liquid diet, they could also have salads with lemon juice or vinegar dressing.

The almond diet contained 39% total fat including 25% from heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, while the non-almond diet contained 18% total fat, 5% from monounsaturated fats. Participants in the almond diet saw an 18% reduction in weight and body mass index (BMI) compared with an 11% reduction in the non-almond dieters. Additionally, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, and need for diabetes medication more so than the non-almond dieters. In terms of diabetic patients, since a side effect of some diabetes medication is increased hunger, the faster one can get off of medications, the better, so to stay slimmer.� But for everyone else looking to lose weight, these results are very important!� So what�s the mechanism behind all this almond based weight loss, you ask?� Well, the researchers speculate that the fat in almonds may not be completely absorbed and earlier research suggests that the cell walls of almonds can act as a physical barrier to fat, and they also may make you feel fuller, longer, something I can vouch for myself.� So go out and grab some almonds�turns out these yummy nuts are no longer diet-taboo! 

Aloe Vera - The Healing Plant

Aloe Vera is a plant of many surprises and wonders. Whether you use it as vital ingredient in beauty products or it is consumed as dietary supplement. Aloe Vera is a hot fertile region plant, but now it is cultivated in most part of the world. Aloe is a member of the lily family although it looks more of a cactus. It has been used for its medicinal purposes since the ancient times, but only recently has it enjoyed a rediscovery and subsequent popularity explosion.
There are over 200 varieties of aloes, but it is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) plant, which has been of most use to mankind because of the medicinal properties it displays. Aloe Vera contains over 75 known active ingredients including a wide range Vitamins, antioxidant, minerals, calcium, essential Amino Acids, Sugars, Digestive Enzymes, Anti-inflammatory Enzymes, Plant Sterols, Lignin, Saponins, Anthraquinones and more. Aloe Vera contains many components, including vitamins A, B, C, and E. Aloe has a massive amount of minerals and enzymes, however not its entire component has been identified yet.
Nowadays, although medicines and drugs can be very effective in treating ailments, long term use often involves side effects for patients. Consequently more consumers and scientists are turning back to look at more traditional, and often natural therapies which have been neglected for so long. As a result, Aloe Vera is once again attracting attention as it can provide many benefits to our health and lifestyle without any side effects.
 Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to mankind for centuries. Its therapeutic advantages and healing properties have survived more than 5000 years.
By using the aloe vera juice a person can get the benefits of aloe vera’s ability to aid in digestion, improve circulation, detoxify and heal from the inside. Aloe Vera juice can be a part of a person’s daily healthy regimen because it is safe to take everyday. If Aloe is taken internally, it increases the actual amount of our bile. It affects the small intestines and stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine thus causing purging in about fifteen hours. Aloes also help increase the menstrual flow, since it belongs to the group of emmenagogues. Aloes have Aloin present used for therapeutic purposes. This causes less pain. It is a preferable drug for many forms of constipation. Continuous use of it does not lead to enlarging the dose to take.
Aloe’s benefits to our health include, helping to lower the blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. Aloe Vera is a strong laxative that may have some anti-cancer effects to humans. It is now being studied as a treatment for asthma.
Aloe Vera is commonly used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and echzema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. Scientific evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap on wound healing is contradictory. A study showed that the healing of a moderate to severe burn was sped up by six days when covering the wound on a regular basis with aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage. In contrast, another study suggested wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal.
Many cosmetic companies add sap or products derived from Aloe Vera to products such as makeup, shampoos, soaps, moisturisers, sunscreens and lotions. Aloe gel is alleged to be useful for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin and for treating fungal infections.Aloe vera has very good results in skin diseases and it is often taken as health drink. Aloe Vera is also found effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentations. Where as auravedic practitioners are in the favor of use of Aloe Vera. According to them Aloe vera has very good role in diabetic. Aloe vera is found to have smaller molecular structure and cutting properties. This help breaking down fat globules, therefore reducing obesity. Medical properties of Aloe vera are still on debate, but the beauty properties are highly accepted by the world.
Aloe Vera is also known to have certain medical properties. Aloe vera drink is used as a tonic for patient suffering from arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol. This is because of the dietary supplement properties, which help in healing like anti fungal, anti oxidant, anti bacterial and some other properties. It is found to boost the immune system. The transparent gel that is found inside its leaf is used as a domestic emergency treatment in burns, injuries and solar erithema, also it is applied externally on hemorrhoids and foe a good cicatrisation. Aloe Vera contains at least two active compounds that decrease the levels of sugar in the blood and its extract is also used in patients with hypoglycemia. Its juice is consumed as prevention and treatment of many gastric disorders. The efficiency of Aloe Vera in the treatment of burns is due because it has a similar structure as aspirin, that in combination with magnesium have an anesthetic effect and because of its antimicrobian composition it helps for the hygiene of the burns, avoiding a possible infection.

Hair extensions an easy way to have a new look

Many individuals are very much concerned about their looks. Its not just the case with women but men are also equally conscious of the looks and style that they pose. And to have a better style they often try on many things to get on an entirely new look for themselves. Changing hair style has always remained an easy way to get a new look. Where men believe in getting their hair a new cut, women prefer to style on their hair.
Now getting a hair styling each time you want to give a new look may not be possible or your hair may not give you permission to experiment so much with such quick frequency. For frequent hair styling the hair extensions or wigs has emerged as a favorite option. Getting the hair styling with this is just very easy and you can get yourself ready for the party just in minutes.
Besides that there are several other treatments as well that you can go for a great new look with your hair. Hair extensions or wigs can be applied to your hair either with clips or with glue. This can depend over your particular choice, the clips extensions can easily be removed while the extensions applied with glue lasts for a longer duration and they may not come out putting you in an embarrassing situation.
There are two types of hair extension that usually come in the market- one is the synthetic hair wigs and the other is the virgin skin weft extensions. The synthetic hair may be an affordable option but they are vague in their looks. Any one can easily tell if that�s the artificial hair one is wearing, while on the other hand the virgin hair extension gives a much more naturalistic look. So it would be advisable to prefer to the use of natural hair extensions made in virgin hair.
So with these types of hair extensions you can give yourself an entirely new look every time when you wish to do that. Buying virgin remy isn�t a tough job today since there are so many online stores out there that can supply you a wide range of hair extensions and virgin hair. There is wide variety that is available online like the machine weft hair extensions, virgin straight, curly wigs black hair extensions, blonde and many more to choose from. And you can shop for these just from the comfort of your home. You don�t need to spill out in the chilling winter or scorching sun but can do that with just few clicks.

Which Male Enhancement Product Should You Choose?

Women often tell their partners that “size doesn’t matter” but few men believe that. In fact, both men and women think that size matters, the ladies more so. Women want it all. While it’s no surprise that the ladies place a high value on how men look on the outside, many of them also admit that they care about penis size, both in length and width.

This does not bode well for men who already have a “penis inferiority complex.” This dissatisfaction appears to be the result of the cultural belief that having a larger penis is necessary to provide greater pleasure to women, and that women like a man with a huge tool better (which many surveys already confirm).

The male enhancement industry provides you with several options that will help you get rid of your size insecurity. Here are the most common male enhancement strategies:

Creams, Gels, Lotions, and Patches

These transdermal male enhancement products do nothing more than increase the flow of blood flow to the penis. These products will help improve erection firmness – and make your penis look and feel larger – but they will not give you a permanent size upgrade no matter how long you use them.

Penis Pumps

Penis pumps work by creating a vacuum that forces blood to the penis tissue. Pumps are often used by men who suffer from cardiovascular conditions and insulin-dependent diabetes because they have poor blood circulation and do not get sufficient blood to their genital areas. Pumps stretch the skin and underlying tissues of the penis to clamp off the blood flow and keep it inside.


The weight hanging technique is one of the oldest male enhancement strategies. Weights are suspended from the penis to stretch it out. Regular use of weights can increase penis length but can also make your penis thinner and decrease your ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Capsules and Pills

Male enhancement supplements contain aphrodisiacs that have long been used by men from different cultures around the world to support their libido and boost sexual performance. A quality male enhancement features potent herbs that help increase the flow of blood to the penis and at the same time, boost fertility and stamina and heighten pleasure. Read male enhancement product reviews to get more information about the most effective brands. Because there are so many male enhancement supplements available today, beware of inferior products that are nothing more than multivitamins in disguise.

Contact Lens Update: How To Avoid Fungal Eye Infections

Earlier this year, contact lens wearers around the world got a scare when news of an outbreak of an eye infection called fungal keratitis came out. This fungal eye infection can be treated relatively easily if caught early, but more established cases may lead to a need for a corneal transplant or worse, loss of the affected eye.

According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), as of May there had been 130 confirmed cases of fungal eye infections in the US in a one year period and of those cases, all but 5 were in contact lens wearers. 37 of these people have required corneal transplants. Bausch and Lomb's ReNu with MoistureLoc contact lens cleaning solution has been blamed by some for the outbreak, since 76% of contact lens wearers who contracted fungal keratitis used that particular solution, while it holds only a 10% market share in contact lens cleaning solutions. The product has since been pulled from the market while investigations continue. The consensus seems to be that the fungus is not present in the solution itself, but rather that it forms a film in contact lens cases that prevents disinfection of the case. The fungus itself, Fusarium, is quite common and can be found in water, soil, and plants, so could easily end up in contact lens cases that are not properly disinfected. There have been cases in Europe and Asia as well, and links to ReNu products there are being investigated.
There are several steps that soft contact lens wearers can take to protect themselves from fungal eye infections, many of which they should be doing already in routine proper care of their contact lenses. First, if people have any of the ReNu with MoistureLoc solution, they should stop using it and throw the rest away. Second, follow basic hygiene good sense, like washing your hands before you touch your contact lenses. Clean your contact lens case thoroughly, store it where it will not get contaminated, and replace it periodically. There are new lens cases available that are made with antimicrobial agents to prevent contamination. Don't mix old and new cleaning solution, and don't wear lenses longer than their prescribed schedule.

If you are afraid you may have a fungal eye infection, seek help right away. Symptoms include blurry vision, clouding of the eye, loss of vision, excessive irritation, discharge, lesions on the eye, and new sensitivity to light.

Fitness Equipment Machines - What You Should Know

Being fit, healthy, and flexible is not always easy. It takes regular exercise and eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. In addition, any exercise program that you choose such as push-ups stretches, jogging or walking takes discipline. The same discipline applies to using fitness equipment.

If you are the type of person that prefers using fitness equipment for your exercise routines, here are few tips to consider before purchasing.

Do not believe what you see and hear. You will need to assess whether all the advertised claims are true. Fitness equipment will claim for example, that you will lose will lose several pounds off their weight in as little as seven days or that you will decrease your pants size in one month. To lose such weight in seven days or decrease a pant size in such short time is nearly impossible, even with the assistance of dietary supplements.

Be skeptical about claims that say you will be able to burn a tremendous amount of fat in a specific area of your body, such as the hips, thighs, waist just by applying a specific type of ointment or lotion, etc. The only sure way to burn fat is by changing what you eat and exercise.

Before and after pictures of people who claim that they were able to lose weight because of using such and such equipments may or may not be true. If ever they are, their experience is purely personal and that is no assurance that your unique body weight, body make-up will also undergo the same change they went through.

It is also always advisable to read the fine print, whether it be fitness equipment or anything else. Though you believe that the fitness equipment you are planning to purchase is a good one, reading the fine print really would not hurt as it may say that you also have to decrease your calorie intake and not just rely on what the machine could do for you.

There are advertising statements that say you could pay off the fitness equipment in a number of easy payments or by paying a mere thirty-nine ninety-five a month. Do not forget to inquire about shipping and handling costs and include that in your calculation. In addition, add-on the required sales tax, delivery fees, set-up fees. Know all the details before you purchase.

It is best that you consider asking about details on their thirty-day money back guarantee. Though this sounds good to you as the consumer, it may or may not actually be a good deal, if for example you are going to return the item. You may actually end up paying large shipping cost, return to stock costs, etc.

Make sure you contact their customer service hotline. The customer service hot line should have a toll-free number as well as a customer service representative in case you have problems with your fitness equipment.

As stated above, to be fit, healthy and flexible takes more than just fitness equipment. It will take discipline to exercise and a healthy diet.